El 24/5/24 a les 18:05, Marc Weustink via lazarus ha escrit:

And even if I use a different rc file with {$R myspec.rc}, if the source file with the directive doesn't change it won't be automtically recompiled so no regeneration of the resource file would take place, even if one of the files in myspec.rc has changed, right?

Yes. The IDE/Compiler have no knowledge what you put in the .rc
If you don't want the have it rebuild every time you need some logic in your "rc builder" you call in the prebuild step

But if I use the "resources" section in the project options *and* put the file in the project, the IDE could check that the file changed and regenerate the resource file ;-) (which is what I supposed it did: even if the wiki page doesn't say it explicitly it seems to imply so).

Luca Olivetti
Wetron Automation Technology https://wetron.es/
Tel. +34 93 5883004 (Ext.3010)  Fax +34 93 5883007

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