Hello Friends,

Few days I published this topic, how ignorant I was :( .

I did not know about GTK, QT... With that, I was limited to what was native. Today, after I learned about widget, I can choose what I feel nice.

Thanks for the understanding, and excuse me for the inconvenience caused by the topic, my now vision about Lazarus that he is the best opensource solution for development desktop (I still see the Lazarus building to internet ;) ).
Forgives some typos, I'm adapting to the language of you.
[]'s, Silvio Clécio
Linux User: #481900
Gmail, GTalk: silviop...@gmail.com
E-mail, Y! Messenger: silviop...@yahoo.com.br
BlogSite: http://silvioprog.blogspot.com/
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°oO| Be free, use Linux! |Oo°

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