Jürgen Hestermann wrote:

In the last week a dozen bug fixes have been merged to the fixes_0_9_28 branch to be included in the 0.9.28. Snapshots have been created and I have updated the lazarus-testing Ubuntu repository.
Current 0.9.27 snapshots can be considered a 0.9.28RC2.

I still don't get the logic in version numbering so I may not have the correct version for testing the next release. I tried build "Lazarus-0.9.29-21480-fpc-2.3.1-20090830-win32" but experienced a problem:
- with xx being even (24, 26, 28) a released version. the code in this version does not change, a download of 0.9.26 today is the same as 6 month ago - with xx being odd (27, 29) a "working" version. The actual work in process, changes every couple of hours. 0.9.29 is the latest you can get. 0.9.27 is almost fixed, only selected changes are still applied.

When compiling I now get a warning that my project(s) do not use the unit "interfaces" and whether it should be added. I called this unit in the implementation part of Unit1 (but nowhere else) and it worked ok in earlier builds so I don't know why it suddenly complains about it.
Do you use SVN, or snapshot? have you updated fpc to 2.2.4 ? And have you rebuild the LCL ?

If I choose to ignore the above warning it compiles just fine but for one of the 2 tested programs I am getting an error on startup: "Program could not be initialized correctly (0xc0150002)". It just worked fine with earlier builds. It seems that this a bug of the current build.

BTW: Recently Andreas Berger added persistent blocks (thanks again for that) but there are still some flaws with it:
Almost correct :)

1.) When continuing a previous search the next find is marked as the new block. That should not happen. Searching should not destroy the block settings.
Well yes, currently the block is used to highlight the found text. (same for incremental search)
Can you report this as a bug please.

2.) Copying a block with Ctrl+K/C works, but moving it with Ctrl+K/V does not. Nothing happens except that the block is no longer marked after that key.
Another (separate) bug report please.

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