I'm really not quite sure what the problem is.

Here's a quick rundown:
1. I'm running Ubuntu 9.04
2. Lazarus .9.26
3. Using Andorra 2D

To be honest, I'm not sure if this is an andorra 2d specific problem
(Andorra is an openGL engine for FPC if you didn't know), but as it works
flawlessly under Windows and do to my observation below, I thought it might
not be a problem with Andorra.

The error I'm getting is Run time Error 232 "SYSTEM_NOTHREADERROR". As
threading sounds more like a FPC/Lazarus issue and not specific to andorra,
I thought I'd try my luck here. Is there a unit I have to include to use
threading? First thing that came to my mind was "cthreads" as I've seen that
used before, but including that file only created a different error (I'm
assuming, because cthreads is unix and unix != linux?)

Section of code where it has a problem:
constructor TAdParticleCalculationThread.Create(AParticleList:
  AEffectSize: integer);
  inherited Create(false); // Compiler auto highlights this line, for some

  FParticleList := AParticleList;
  FParticleClass := nil;


  FStartedCalculation := true;

I'd love to actually be able to create some apps for linux ;) Game
development seems especially hard, however. (PS: Nice job on .9.28
developers! Haven't had a chance (and don't want to risk) upgrading to the
latest lazarus yet)
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