On Thursday 31 December 2009 03:52:35 Michael Joyner ᏩᏯ wrote:
> SteveG wrote:
> > On Thursday 31 December 2009 03:13:55 Terry A. Haimann wrote:
> >> If it is a script, it may not run from the Lazarus start procedure.
> >> Secondly, you may need to explicitly define the path. Your command
> >> prompt has a number of predifined paths,which your lazarus app doesn't.
> >>
> >> SteveG <ste...@nevets.com.au> wrote:
> >>> Evening All (from where I'm sitting anyway)
> >>>
> >>> I have the following code which connects me to the Internet using a
> >>> 'Wireless Broadband USB Key'.
> >>>
> >>> Very simply, it uses wvdial to create the connection, and this works
> >>> fine from a cmd line (linux obviously) or from a small Laz/Fpc test
> >>> program. I can browse / email and my main program can access the
> >>> internet successfully.
> >>>
> >>> If I place the same code (as below) in my main program though, browser
> >>> and email still work, but the program containing this code can no
> >>> longer 'see' the connection.
> >>>
> >>> The problem appears to be related to my usage of TProcess ?
> >>>
> >>> begin
> >>>    AsyncProcess1.CommandLine := 'wvdial';
> >>>    AsyncProcess1.Execute;
> >>> end;
> >>>
> >>> As a side issue, if anybody knows how to connect to a USB B'Band key
> >>> directly from Laz/fpc (no wvdial etc) any pointers would be much
> >>> appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks Terry - I believe the script runs ok (initiates the connection) as
> > all programs (browser etc) can access the Internet - the only program
> > that cant is the Laz/Fpc program that called the script.
> > If I call the wvdial script from another fpc program first, my 'main'
> > program then works ok, but placing the script call in my 'main' program
> > (no other changes) prevents my 'main' program accessing the Internet.
> >
> > SteveG
> Have you tried 're-initilizing' the internet connection after wvdial
> connects?

Sorry for the late reply Michael -
In what way do you mean to 're-init' ? - to run the wvdial script again 
perhaps ?


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