Hello Lazarus developers!

My issue #0015641 + patch for improving converter is seemingly waiting for 
approval from Mattias Gärtner (as do some other patches of mine).

Now, is Mattias really the right person to check such a patch? He is busy. His 
main focus is not in Delphi converter. I perfectly understand he has better 
things to do than check my patches.

Better candidates for checking my code are the ones who want to use and test 
Delphi converter and then give feedback. There are many such people compiling 
Lazarus trunk and waiting to see improved features.
How many people use and test the trunk version? I guess hundreds. That means I 
would certainly get feedback for my patches and would be motivated to work on 
any issues and improve it more. I know the patches themselves can be tested by 
anyone but it needs more effort and usually people just follow the trunk. 
That's what I do also.
A separate branch is good for new experimental features which would break the 
main project somehow. However, my patches clearly fix issues of an existing 
Lazarus feature.

Is this part of "growth pain" of Lazarus? There is a sentence in About dialog:
  "As Lazarus is growing we need more developers."
but nobody though of what it means in practice. How do you plan to attract new 
developers? By ignoring their patches? Rejecting a patch is one thing but 
ignoring it means there is a problem in the project's process and policy. They 
should be fixed.

Some other projects have much more unstable trunk versions. There are many 
developers submitting and it can cause clashes and crashes and tension and 
irritation and negative feedback and whatever but it also speeds up 
development. Usually the author is very motivated to fix a problem in his code 
if many people complain about it. I would be motivated in such situations at 

So I suggest you to pass patches in more easily! There is a danger that some 
poor patches go through but it is much better than ignoring (mostly good) 

I have read that the power of open source is that hundreds of eyes can find 
problems in code better than 2 eyes.
It works only if the code ends up into a place where those eyes can see it.
So if this new "loose" policy lets a problematic patch in, it will be spotted 
quickly. And, revision control lets you reverse any change, doesn't it? 
Nothing dramatic would happen.

About my original problem: How to get my converter patches to trunk?
I understand you are careful with core features like the form designer. It 
interacts with other parts in complex ways.
Delphi converter is different. It is rather isolated and easier to manage.
Nobody else works on it now. And my code is mostly good...

If you accept my patches strictly related to converter I promise to work on it 
based on feedback and bug reports, essentially maintaining that piece of code.

What you say?

Juha Manninen

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