On Tue, Feb 09, 2010 at 10:55:37AM +0200, Paul van Helden wrote:
> >> refrain from making T-Shirts with it (or at least have the T-Shirts made
> >> by someone who cannot be sued :-) ). A big cat's paw print is the
> >> ultimate emblem of stealth and speed IMHO, since you never see the
> >> bugger ;-)
> >>      
> > I think in the case we really should change, something potentially
> > encumbered is not an option.
> >    
> I guess it depends on how far you want to take this free-as-in-speech 
> thing then?

Support it, but don't try to be a martyr.

> These days it seems *everything* is /potentially/ 
> encumbered, and Jack Wolfskin (who I've never heard of before) is proof 
> of that.

There is a difference in knowing such issues up front in such an early

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