On Sat, 27 Feb 2010, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 26 February 2010 18:35, waldo kitty <wkitt...@windstream.net> wrote:

yay!! how far off is the english version?? any idea on the price? i much
prefer a real book to pdf cr4p ;)

I'm hoping for an English edition too (and will by it simply because
I'm a Lazarus user), but I can imagine it's a lot of work. Jorg
already told me how much work the current German book was and that it
was almost cancelled at one stage.

I'm glad to see it finally made it to print! Congrats to all the authors.

As soon as the dust has settled and the first sales figures come in,
I will again inquire for an english version. Once the text is finished,
it is just a matter of translating and finding an english publisher
prepared to publish (lulu is not an option), so the amount of work is limited.


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