Yes, it works but Button1Exit is not the best because it control the
focus and when i click on button the focus remain on the button. I will
try to change focus or maybe TButton.OnMouseDown and the timer event...
Thank you for the idea, you woke up my brain ;)


Howard Page-Clark ha scritto:
> On 13/3/10 3:42, andtag wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a DB with 400 records and clicking the next button i can see the
>> next record. If i want to reach record 200 i must do 200 clicks.
>> I want to have a continue action pressing the dbnavigator button, for
>> example, when i click Next button, i want the records go forward until i
>> leave the button. Is possible to do?
> Is something like this what you are looking for?
> Add a boolean FButtonHeldDown as a private variable of TForm1, and a
> normal button, Button1. Add this code to OnClick and OnExit events of
> Button1.
> procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
> var sequence: integer;
> begin
>   FButtonHeldDown := true;
>   sequence := 0;
>   while FButtonHeldDown and not dbf1.EOF do
>   begin
>    dbf1.Next;
>    inc(sequence);
>    label1.Caption := Format('cursor moved forward %d times',[sequence]);
>    Application.ProcessMessages;
>    Sleep(100);
>   end;
> end;
> procedure TForm1.Button1Exit(Sender: TObject);
> begin
>   FButtonHeldDown := false;
> end;
>> exists a function for know if a button is pressed down, not only
>> a click?
> TButton.OnMouseDown?
> Howard
> -- 
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