On 30 May 2010 22:47, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
> We also should have local IDE help sources, for every lazarus version.

I hope to release the final fpGUI v0.7 in a few days. At the same time
I'll release pre-compiled INF help files for RTL, LCL, FCL, fpGUI and
the FPC Language Reference. Included will be a Linux or Windows binary
of fpGUI DocView (INF help viewer).

Integrating DocView with Lazarus (or MSEide) is a 30 second job -
simply setting up a new External Tools item. No need to compile extra
packages and recompile the IDE itself. DocView gives offline help and
allows context sensitive help on units, classes etc or Object Pascal
language syntax. DocView will search all help files (rtl, lcl, fcl,
etc)in a directory in under a second - it's VERY fast.

I'll make an announcement of it's availability in the various mailing
lists in a few days.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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