On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 11:16:17AM +0200, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> On 10/06/2010, Marco van de Voort  wrote:
> >
> > It is not that help that is the problem, it is the context sensitive help
> > which is currently done by wiki.
> But with DocView and INF help files, I have solved the context
> sensitive help for Language Syntax, LCL, FCL, RTL etc..

All current help systems do that. But there is no source for the content.

> The only help I don't have is for the various dialogs in the IDE itself
> (maybe this is what you mean?).  That help unfortunately sits in a very
> crappy format and in the wiki only.  Maybe one day we will have an export
> wiki to XXX format, where XXX is something more usable, like the XML
> format of fpdoc.

Something like that. But first a decision must be taken how the data is kept
(e.g.  wiki or svn) etc, and if wiki, how to download it (the old helper app
which used to dl wiki is currently no longer functional due to anti-spam
software installed in the wiki)

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