2011/3/15 Peter Williams <pewilliams2...@live.com>

>  Hi All,
> I use this procedure to save an inifile using the standard IniFiles unit.
> The problem I have is that when an .ini file already exists I cannot
> overwrite it. I need the TextFiles equivalent of Rewrite() for Inifiles.
> This line:
>   ConfigIni := TIniFile.Create(ChangeFileExt(Application.ExeName, '.ini'));
> ... when the ini file exists fails with an error message of 'unable to
> create appname.ini'. This is because it cannot create an ini file which
> already exists.
> How then do I rewrite the .ini file?
> Uses IniFiles;
> procedure TMain_Form.SaveIniFile;
> var
>   ConfigIni: TIniFile;
>   x, y: integer;
> begin
>   ConfigIni := TIniFile.Create(ChangeFileExt(Application.ExeName, '.ini'));
>   // e.g. fred.exe becomes fred.ini
>   try
>     for x := 1 to max_pats do
>       begin
>         if patterns_list[x].Count > 0 then
>           begin
>             ConfigIni.WriteString('Pattern' + inttostr(x), 'Name',
> Patterns_list[x].Strings[0]);
>             for y := 1 to patterns_list[x].Count - 1 do
>               ConfigIni.WriteString('Pattern' + inttostr(x), 'Line' +
> inttostr(y), Patterns_list[x].Strings[y]);
>           end;
>       end;
>     ConfigIni.WriteInteger('General', 'Auto Generation Delay',
> Timer1.Interval);
>     if current_color_scheme = krgy then
>       ConfigIni.WriteString('General', 'Current Color Scheme', 'krgy')
>     else
>       ConfigIni.WriteString('General', 'Current Color Scheme', 'kmcw');
>     ConfigIni.WriteBool('General', 'Sound Wanted', Sound_wanted);
>     ConfigIni.UpdateFile;
>   finally
>     ConfigIni.Free;
>   end;
> end;
> {---------------------------------------------------------}
> Best Regards,
> Peter / pew
> --
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Do you have permission for writing the content of the file ?


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