Hi Bart,

> Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 12:45:49 +0100
> From: bartjun...@gmail.com
> To: lazarus@lists.lazarus.freepascal.org
> Subject: Re: [Lazarus] Unable to rewrite .ini file which exists... error 
> unable to create .ini file. (need to rewrite it).
> On 3/15/11, Peter Williams <pewilliams2...@live.com> wrote:
> > ConfigIni := TIniFile.Create(ChangeFileExt(Application.ExeName,'.ini'));
> You really should not do that in most OS's, even on Windows it is
> deprecated since win9x.
> Most times you will not have write permissions there.
> Also under *nix this location might not be what you expect it to be...
> Use GetAppConfigDir to determine where to put INI files.
I found the declaration for function GetAppConfigDir in osutilsh.inc but I 
cannot find the actual function (I am looking in the wrong file).
Function GetAppConfigDir(Global : Boolean) : String;Function 
GetAppConfigFile(Global : Boolean) : String;Function GetAppConfigFile(Global : 
Boolean; SubDir : Boolean) : String;
What is the "Global : Boolean" parameter that it takes? Can someone please give 
me an example as to how it is called?
osutilsh.inc ---
{    This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.    Copyright (c) 
1999-2000 by Michael Van Canneyt    member of the Free Pascal development team
    See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,    for details 
about the copyright.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,    but 
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    MERCHANTABILITY 
Type TExecuteFlags = Set of ( ExecInheritsHandles);
{ OS handling utilities }
{$ifdef HAS_OSERROR}Function GetLastOSError : Integer;{$endif}Procedure 
RaiseLastOSError;Function GetEnvironmentVariable(Const EnvVar : String) : 
String;Function GetEnvironmentVariableCount : Integer;Function 
GetEnvironmentString(Index : Integer) : String;{$IFDEF HAS_SLEEP}procedure 
Sleep(milliseconds: Cardinal);{$ENDIF}function ExecuteProcess(Const Path: 
AnsiString; Const ComLine: AnsiString;Flags:TExecuteFlags=[]):integer;function 
ExecuteProcess(Const Path: AnsiString; Const ComLine: Array of 
Function GetTempDir(Global : Boolean) : String;Function GetTempDir : 
String;Function GetTempFileName(Const Dir,Prefix : String) : String;Function 
GetTempFileName : String;{ For windows compatibility }function 
GetTempFileName(Dir,Prefix: PChar; uUnique: DWORD; TempFileName: 
PChar):DWORD;Function GetAppConfigDir(Global : Boolean) : String;Function 
GetAppConfigFile(Global : Boolean) : String;Function GetAppConfigFile(Global : 
Boolean; SubDir : Boolean) : String;Function GetUserDir : String;Function 
VendorName : String;Function ApplicationName : String;
Const  ConfigExtension : String = '.cfg';  SysConfigDir    : String = '';
Type  TGetVendorNameEvent  = Function : String;  TGetAppNameEvent  = Function : 
String;  TGetTempDirEvent  = Function (Global : Boolean) : String;  
TGetTempFileEvent = Function (Const Dir,Prefix : String) : String;
Type  TEventType = (etCustom,etInfo,etWarning,etError,etDebug);
Var  OnGetVendorName      : TGetVendorNameEvent;  OnGetApplicationName : 
TGetAppNameEvent;  OnGetTempDir         : TGetTempDirEvent;  OnGetTempFile      
  : TGetTempFileEvent;
> Bart
> --
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