On Wed, 30 Mar 2011, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

I just encountered a nasty problem:

When I have multiple Lazarus installations (trunk, branches, snapshot...), the common Lazarus configuration is used by default (when no --pcp is specified). Actually I wondered about many error messages on an IDE rebuild, until I noticed that the (default) configuration referred to a different Lazarus directory :-(

This leads me to the question, how a user should configure and start Lazarus at all?

What exactly happens when the IDE is invoked, from a desktop item or command prompt? Where does the IDE look for the configuration? Is it sufficient to have a MyLazarus\cfg\ directory, to make the MyLazarus\Lazarus.exe use the configuration in that directory?

IMO the IDE should look for a configuration in the current (EXE) directory first, and only into the common directory when no config can be found there.

Well, definitely not on Unix. On unix, the EXE directory should never contain config files.


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