On 5/31/2011 21:02, Michael Joyner wrote:
$100 us dollars?

i didn't see that when i visited the site... i saw euros... 55, 60 and 70something i think... they must have placed a conversion for $US?

Is there a epub or pdf version available?

On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 5:18 PM, Michael Van Canneyt <mich...@freepascal.org> 


    For the interested:

    I got news from the editor (chairman of the Dutch Pascal User Group) that
    the Lazarus book "Lazarus Complete Guide" is now available for sale.

    It can be purchased on-line from:

    It is a translation of the original German "Lazarus" book, published by C&L
    (which is by now in its second edition!).

    Several of the core FPC/Lazarus developers have participated in the writing
    of this book.

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