On Thu, 5 Jan 2012 11:39:12 -0300
"marcelo.bp" <marcelo...@netsite.com.br> wrote:

> Thanks William,
> You clarified my doubt.
> About the context, if you didn´t read the other posts on this subject, we 
> were discussing the terminology for this kind
> of reference errors. Lazarus adopted the word “cycle” where Delphi, like in 
> your example, used “circular”. I think Mattias
> already reviewed this. In portuguese i will maintain what i used before that 
> is “referência circular”.
> About the term “endless loop”, i think “infinite loop” is more common in 
> “programmer´s language” :) Although i can live
> with the term “endless loop”.

Infinite loop is a more mathematical term. Since some people find the
basics of computer science too special, I chose the word with the
broader meaning: endless. And as someone already pointed out: the first
hit for endless loop is infinite loop.

>   About the graph theory, can anyone point me a document or link?  Just want 
> to take a look.

Wikipedia has a lot of graph theory. Or just google for
backtracking, cycle detection, depth first search, shortest/longest
path algorithms. Any good programmer should know these
basic algorithms.


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