On Sat, 21 Jan 2012 19:36:44 -0500
Andrew Haines <andrewd...@aol.com> wrote:

> On 01/21/12 14:25, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
> > Mattias Gaertner schrieb:
> >> AFAIK the chm viewer loads all chm files. And yes, when the package
> >> name is 'rtl' it shows something from the rtl.chm. I don't know how the
> >> chm viewer handles the combined rtl+fcl+lcl.chm file.
> > 
> > Why (and how) would you produce such an combined file?
> > 
> See my other mail.
> > Actually I run into a number of problems with the CHM files. Only one
> > directory is accepted, 
> You mean only one directory can have chm files in it?
> > and this entry also is updated when the Options
> > dialog is left with Cancel. 
> ...
> > When I copy my additional files (e.g.
> > lazutils.chm) into the chm help directory, these files are not
> > recognized by F1.
> ...
> > When I open such an file manually, the other files
> > (e.g. lcl.chm) are no more recognized by the help viewer :-(
> > 
> Manually = lhelp File -> Open?
> At one point I tried to see if installing packages could make available
> context help files (F1) but was not able to fully understand how to add
> help databases. (Installing package "x.lpk" makes x.chm available.)

What do you need?

> And there are different types of help formats (local html files/ http / chm.
> i.e. there was/is? no straightforward (that I found) way to add that.

Can you give an example?


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