Andrew Haines schrieb:

Actually I run into a number of problems with the CHM files. Only one
directory is accepted,

You mean only one directory can have chm files in it?

The Options dialog only accepts one directory. It may be a restriction of this dialog, or of the Lazarus chm viewer. Windows chm help has no such restriction by design.

When I open such an file manually, the other files
(e.g. lcl.chm) are no more recognized by the help viewer :-(

Manually = lhelp File -> Open?

Double click in Windows Explorer ;-)

At one point I tried to see if installing packages could make available
context help files (F1) but was not able to fully understand how to add
help databases. (Installing package "x.lpk" makes x.chm available.) And
there are different types of help formats (local html files/ http / chm.
i.e. there was/is? no straightforward (that I found) way to add that.

Here fpdoc packages can simplify your life. Then building documentation on the target machine only requires a line in the Makefile, like
  fpdoc --project=mypkg.xml --format=$whatever --output=$wherever

For the target directory of chm files the fpdoc path in the IDE Options can be used.


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