On 26/01/12 15:51, Henry Vermaak wrote:
Hi list

After I upgraded my netbook to ubuntu precise, I only get an empty
window when I start up lazarus (or my app, which uses the lcl). When I
run lazarus directly, it shows a grey box where the splash should be,
then just hangs. If I use --nsc, it goes into a blank window with the
title "Welcome to Lazarus IDE 0.9.31". Interestingly, when I run
startlazarus, it displays the splash screen OK, but then just continues
to the blank window.

I've tried to rule out a couple of things. I'm using openbox as a wm
with lxde, but the program behaves the same if I run it directly via
startx. I've used previous revisions of lazarus that I've known to work,
fpc 2.6.0 or 2.7.1, but still the same results.

Could anyone offer suggestions of how I can try to debug this? Perhaps
there are gtk debug flags that I can enable?

Further to this, the freepascal gtk2 examples appear to work correctly (at least the ones that build).


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