The market and the education environments are practical unaware that we exist.

Em 13/02/2012, às 14:55, Everton Vieira escreveu:

> This discussion walked too much about the tech which i don`t think is the 
> case.
> But JuhaManninen had said so goodly: 
> "
> The fact is that FPC / Lazarus is an almost unknown niche language / 
> environment. I am studying information technology and programming in a 
> university of applied sciences and there nobody knows about FPC or Lazarus, 
> not even the teachers. Everybody knows about C, C++, Java, Eclipse, .NET, C#, 
> PHP, Python, sh scripts, Lisp, even Haskell, but not about FPC or Lazarus.
> If those people don't know, it means nobody knows.
> Comparing FPC / Lazarus directly with Java / Eclipse and saying they are 
> equal is not a balanced comparison. You ignore that Java has millions of 
> developers while FPC / Lazarus only has few desperate geeks (like myself). 
> <smile.gif>
> Why is it so? Another fact is that FPC / Lazarus would deserve better.
> As a comparison: why is PHP so popular and still gaining popularity? The 
> language itself has nothing exciting. It is a dynamic language and should not 
> be suitable for big projects, yet big and high-quality projects like Drupal 
> and Zend have been developed with it.
> PHP's secrets are :
> - ease of deployment
> - ease of usage
> - good documentation (see
> FPC libs are documented somehow, LCL not so well. Even the documented things 
> are difficult to find.
> One problem are the "black holes" in the libraries, most notably the 
> container libraries. Every decent programming environment today has a well 
> structured, well documented (generics) container library. FPC / Lazarus has 
> not. Instead it has some competing containers in FCL and LCL, and some 
> generics containers which have some kind of beta status. For example there 
> are associative hash maps in many places (no generics ones) but nobody knows 
> about their usage.
> This is like directly from early 1990's.
> How to improve things:
> - Better container lib.
> - Better documentation.
> - Easier installation.
> - Publicity! This would be the most important now. The other parts are in a 
> decently good condition. 
>  Successful projects have a public relations side-project, advertising 
> themselves somehow. Product releases are one way to get free advertising. 
> Thus it is very bad for publicity that Lazarus has releases so seldom. A 
> product release is always mentioned in some programming site, read by 
> potential users. Without releases this looks like a dead project.
> I think CodeTyphon has good goals to solve some of these problems. I don't 
> know how well they did it, I honestly have never tried it yet.
> Garbage collector in FPC is a bad idea IMO. Compiled binary code, manual 
> memory management, reference counted strings and a clear syntax make up a 
> unique combination.
> What are the practical alternatives when you want tight code without garbage 
> collection? They are C and C++.
> Often people are afraid of memory problems because they have struggled with 
> C++. They think the problems were caused by memory management while in fact 
> they were caused by C++ syntax and features.
> In school I had to make string class with overloaded "=" and "+" operators 
> using C++. Even with that "simple" class I had serious memory problems 
> (crashes and leaks). Using Object Pascal I could do a class with similar 
> complexity without memory problems.
> I would say in 99% of cases the memory allocation / release is easy and has 
> no issues when the objects' ownership is well defined.
> The remaining 1% needs some effort. There was an issue with Lazarus where a 
> garbage collection would have helped:
>   #18506: access violation when switching designer/lfm source
> but that was really the only bad one I have struggled with.
> "
> Em 13/02/2012, às 14:28, Reinier Olislagers escreveu:
>> On 13-2-2012 17:24, Everton Vieira wrote:
>>> I found this:
>>> But not sure if you referred this.
>> Yep, that's the thread I was talking about...
>> Regards,
>> Reinier
>> --
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