On Sat, 25 Feb 2012 18:49:18 +0100 (CET)
Michael Van Canneyt <mich...@freepascal.org> wrote:

> FPC can produce Java Bytecode and can leverage the whole Java API and all 
> Java libraries.
But neither FPC nor Lazarus can give you all the goodies the Android SDK 
Eclipse plugin can give you (integrated debugger, profiler, gui designer, 
emulator/device manager just to name some) and the features that Eclipse 
provides and Lazarus does not come on top of that.
FPCs Object Pascal is my favorite language by far. Nonetheless if there are 
tools that make stuff easier/more convenient for me I have no problem switching 
to other languages.
I just don't get all this 'this is better than that' stuff (generally speaking, 
not directed at you Michael). For some people it is for others it is not. 
Freedom of choice is the important part not that everybody uses the tools I 
like the most.
FPC is not the holy grail of programming just a very good compiler.

> I just wrote an article on how to write an Android app, using only the 
> Android Java APIs.
Can you send it to me or tell me where to get it, please?

> It's remarkably easy.
I don't doubt that.


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