Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
On 26 February 2012 10:31, Mark Morgan Lloyd  wrote:> used as a system programming 
language. My own experience indicates that as> soon as you start using a 4GL or 
similar for anything that the implementors> didn't think of you're in very deep water.

I guess in my 5 years of Turbo Pascal and 15 years of ObjectPascal/Delphi, I haven't 
stepped in deep water yet. Or I was verylucky, or I simply found alternative programming 
solutions for all my"deep water" problems. :-)

Wrong end of stick, Graeme. I meant that the traditional BASICs and 4GLs got hairy very fast as soon as you attempted to do anything out of the ordinary, I hoped that my

>> Object Pascal differs [...] it's arguably complete enough that it can
>> be used as a system programming language

was sufficiently unambiguous.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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