On 04/09/12 08:46, Reinier Olislagers wrote:

By the way, next time you want to open a new thread, don't reply to a
message in an existing thread... your message didn't appear as a new

Arg! That is no annoying!! Most people here have NO Netiquette! [1][2][3]

* Top posting
* Quoting whole message with a one line replies.
* Quoting 6+ levels deep.
* Replying to existing message to start a new topic
* Multi-part HTML messages (though I can live with this I guess)

[1]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etiquette_(technology)
[2]  Why it is sensible to observe the Netiquette
[3]  Some Answers to FAQ's about Mailing Lists and List Netiquette


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