Am 05.09.2012 16:46, schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
On 05/09/12 13:06, Michael Schnell wrote:
Hijacking an already hijacked thread ?!?!?!?!?


Just to make something clear. When I changed the subject line to "File
Managers compared", I had no intent to hi-jack the "Proprietary vs Open
Source mentality" thread... Read that original message again. I changed
the subject, and mentioned in the message that the "File Manager
compared" thread should continue in the lazarus-other mailing list.
Clearly NOBODY uses lazarasu-other, so why did I even try. :-(  Sorry
mailing list admin, I tried my best.

You weren't the one who hi-jacked the thread. First the "Tabsheet font style" hijacked the thread and then "Lazarus archive" hi-jacked the hi-jacking thread...


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