On Sun, 2 Dec 2012, Alexander Klenin wrote:

On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Michael Van Canneyt
<mich...@freepascal.org> wrote:
Some time ago, We received an alternative implementation of these generic
classes, but since we do not use generics intensively, we're not really in
the position to make well-founded decisions.
As a result, the new implementation is simply floating...

Is that alternative implementation available somewhere?

I got them by mail. I can send them, if you are interested ?
I'll then also give you the email address of the submitter.

Note that the current FCL-STL is not too bad, I do not see a need for
complete replacement,
just for incremental improvements.

So, a maintainer for the FCL-STL generics classes would be welcome.
I'll see what I can do. Would you accept git-generated patchsets?

Well, I use subversion. But as long as patch can handle them, no problem.

And if it turns out you will do lots of work on them, I'll see about giving you write access to that part of subversion.


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