Hmmmm. I thought i fixed that. Maybe forgot to commit and package. Normally 
lazarus shows the error location. Cast the nativewindow (or something like 
that) to a thandle. You have to do this on two or three locations. I'll update 
the package tomorrow.. Op 18-01-13 23:38 schreef Maxim Ganetsky:
19.01.2013 1:47, Maxim Ganetsky пишет:
> 18.01.2013 20:15, Joost van der Sluis пишет:
>> On Sat, 2013-01-12 at 04:14 +0400, Maxim Ganetsky wrote:
>>> The problem is that GeckoPort v2 fails to compile. See full log:
>> Could you try again?
> Now it compiles OK, thanks.
>> For installation into Lazarus you have to supply the path of lazarus in
>> your fppkg.cfg. Did you do that?
> I added the following string to my fppkg.cfg:
> FPMakeOptions=--lazarusdir=i:\FPC\lazarus\
> But although this path definitely exists, Fppkg insists on the opposite:
> [100%] Compiled package gecko
> Installing package gecko
> Lazarus directory 'i:\FPC\lazarus\' does not exist. Lazarus-package
> registration skipped.
> Installation package gecko for target i386-win32 succeeded

Forget this, updating to latest FPC 2.6.1 made this problem disappear.

Now when I try to install GeckoComponent in Lazarus via "Add/Remove 
packages" dialog I get the following build error.

Free Pascal Compiler version 2.6.1 [2013/01/19] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2012 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling GeckoComponents.pas
Compiling GeckoBrowser.pas
Compiling CallbackInterfaces.pas
Compiling GeckoChromeWindow.pas
GeckoChromeWindow.pas(79,25) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
H:\Documents and Settings\Max\Local Settings\Application 
Data\FreePascal\fppkg\fpc-gecko\GeckoChromeWindow.pas(175,32) Error: 
Incompatible types: got "LongWord" expected "Pointer"
H:\Documents and Settings\Max\Local Settings\Application 
Data\FreePascal\fppkg\fpc-gecko\GeckoChromeWindow.pas(556) Fatal: There 
were 1 errors compiling module, stopping

>>> Installation to Lazarus via LPK fails too, of course. It seems, some
>>> files are missing.
>>> BTW, is it possible to update GeckoPort to work with latest Gecko ESR
>>> (as far as I understand, it is version 17)?
>> In principle it is. But I don't know if they changed a lot since I look
>> at it for the last time.
>> There is a parser that parses the sdk-files and generates pascal code.
>> That way it should be possible to update to gecko 17.
>> I just tested it with Gecko 9 on Windows. The GBrowser example did work,
>> only the registration of the mouse-events went wrong. I disabled those
>> by commenting-out line 1636 in GeckoBrowser (this is in the
>> Lazarus-package):
>> //  FDOMEvents := PGeckoDOMEventRegisterArray(@events);
>> If you can get this to work, we can look if it is possible to update to
>> gecko-18.
>> Joost.

Best regards,
  Maxim Ganetsky        

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