Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
On 01/22/13 10:13, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

And worst of all when all of this is for free.

Please don't play the "free" card. You work on Lazarus as your open
source project of choice. I work on other open source projects like
tiOPF, fpGUI, OnGuard, FPTest etc. I decided to stop contributing
development work to Lazarus, because I already work on enough other open
source projects. I don't get paid for those either, plus I have a full
time day job and a family that consumes 90% of my time.

If cost is such an issue to you, then stop working on open source
projects, or start charging for your work. Or just stop reading my messages.

I want to make two points there. The first is that you are being highly selective in your quotation: I was not referring to the project as being free (beer+speech) but to the unpaid give-and-take nature of the support.

The second is that I am most definitely not one of the core team, or even at the periphery. I've got my own interests and responsibilities, for me it's just a tool.

But that doesn't stop me from trying to play nicely with people who have invested significant time and effort into it.

It does not help when somebody comes along and says "this is crap". It does not help when somebody comes along and says "the project team is crap". It does not help when somebody comes along and says "I see somebody else is having problems which vindicates my attitude that everything's crap". So let's just try to cut the crap and find what's giving you problems, before anybody else gets screwed up. Please.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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