Mattias Gaertner wrote:
Hans-Peter Diettrich <> hat am 31. Januar 2013 um 11:45
Mark Morgan Lloyd schrieb:

When the program runs, the form is created and displayed and the
modal cancel button works, but none of the other events fire in
response to user actions. This is with Lazarus trunk + 2.6.0.
I can't duplicate it with a newly-created test program. However I notice
that this program has implementation ... {$R *.lfm} in (at least)
those units with forms, while the program giving the problem doesn't.
Event handlers are installed from the LFM file. If you don't have one,
or don't $Read it, no handlers will be hooked in during creation. Also
all other properties will have default values, then.

TFrame raises an exception if no resource was found.

Probably the program uses the old .lrs files {$i frameunit.lrs}

Yes, found 'em. What should I be doing for new versions of Lazarus: removing the $i and inserting $r? If so is there a conditional that will allow me to automate it depending on version?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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