
I would like to know what the best way to work with FPC, Lazarus and
3rd libs. I will try explain myself:

Today I have three FPC versions (2.6.0, 2.6.3 and 2.8.1) and two
Lazarus versions (1.0.1 and 1.1 (trunk))
The FPC trunk is only for test, so doesn't count.
Both Lazarus were compiled using FPC 2.6.3 and everything works.
I have many 3rd libs (components) and they are compiled using FPC 2.6.3 too.

My "problem" is:
1- I want to have a stable Lazarus (1.0), compiled with FPC 2.6.2 and
stable Libs too (compiled with the same FPC version, ie. 2.6.2);
2- I want to have a Lazarus trunk, compiled with FPC 2.6.3 and Libs
too compiled compiled with the same FPC version;
3- I wont to change the libs package sources;

How can I have libs, compiled with different FPC version, but without
change the output sources of libs and without have more than one copy
of them?

Best regards,
Marcos Douglas

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