On 26/03/13 14:26, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
On Tue, 26 Mar 2013 14:14:00 +0000
appjaws <laza...@appjaws.plus.com> wrote:

I have 2 forms, form 1 calls form 2 on a buttonclick process.
Form 2 loads a string list, operations are carried out and the
stringlist is saved.

The application opens with form 1, data is produced and stored in a Tedit

What I want to do is to compare the Tedit on form1 with data held in the
stringlist of form2. The problem is that the stringlist is not yet
created from the stringlist file.
I have tried to load the stringlist from within form 1 but compilation
fails with :-
TestProj1.lpr(21,1) Error: Error while compiling resources. Compile with
-vd for more details. Check for duplicates.

The messaged produced using -vd did not indicate any duplicates and
terminated the application with the same message.

I'm sure this must be possible but with my limited knowledge, I can't
see how.

The "Error while compiling resources" has nothing to do with
stringlists or any runtime logic.

What fpc version?
What platform?



fpc 2.6.2, Lazarus 1.0.8 running on kubuntu linux

I copied the stringlist code from form 2 to form 1 and had the errors, so I thought that reusing the code was the wrong thing to do, once I removed it the app compiled without error.
So I need to know if and how to do this.

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