On 2013-04-22 14:54:28 Bart wrote:
> On 4/22/13, Juha Manninen <juha.mannine...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > So does *.* on Windows. That is why the TFileSearcher behavior was
> > changed.
> But I think it is wrong.
>  or ((ASearchMask = '*.*') and (ExtractFileExt(PathInfo.Name) = ''))
> Now a Filemaks of ???.* will not find 'foo', but it should on Windows.
> I think the best strategy is to remove dangling '.*' from ASearchMask
> and replace it by '*'
> I used something like this in one of my libraries (it works on
> maskLists, not a single mask, so it's overcomplex for what we need):
        Notwithstanding your statement about masks vs. maskLists, I'm amazed.  
there really not some simple variable assignment that can be used to override 
this in one line of code?  This seems to me to be very programmer-unfriendly.


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