Am 2013-04-27 19:23, schrieb Bart:
We may need a seperate FileNameMatchesWindowsWildcards function or something alike, to handle these (borderline?) cases.

The problem with all this is, that Microsoft is not consistent to itself. So there is no 
right or wrong in some cases. It is ambiguous if you try to refer to Microsoft products. 
Over years there were similar discussions about filter masks in the Ztree Forum (see a 
recent discussions in and an overview 
of older discussions in ). We always 
tried to find a "correct" interpretion of how Microsoft wants it to be done. 
But this does not exist.

The only solution I see is to be consistent within Free Pascal and use an 
internal routine to define a (logical and pratical) syntax of file masks. This 
way it is also possible to have the same mask for different OS's because all 
Free Pascal programmers can rely on the same routine to find matches.

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