On 4/29/2013 01:18, Jürgen Hestermann wrote:
 > they would most likely use *.* because that's all they are used to using...
they would remain oblivious to the files they miss with that mask

Which files would be missed with this mask? IMO all files fit this mask (at
least for Windows).

quick testing form the command line of w2k shows that you are correct... what some GUI tool does is a different matter, though, and i have seen some that simply do not find all the files with certain masks... i agree that there should be consistency and i get the same results in my command line tests of

  dir *
  dir *.*

where each return all the same files in the same order...

i also tried

  dir .*

which gave me all the files starting with a '.' whether they had more dots or 

C:\Documents and Settings\username>dir .*
 Volume in drive C is Local Disk
 Volume Serial Number is 9CAB-2377

 Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\username

08/09/2012  22:18       <DIR>          .
08/09/2012  22:18       <DIR>          ..
01/19/2012  00:10                7,569 .bash_history
01/17/2012  19:01                  103 .gitconfig
03/31/2009  18:28                  218 .recently-used.xbel
01/17/2012  11:28       <DIR>          .ssh
               3 File(s)          7,890 bytes
               3 Dir(s)   6,939,553,792 bytes free

note that the 3rd file has another dot in its name...

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