On Fri, 12 Jul 2013 15:36:26 -0700 (PDT)
Éderson Cássio <ederson_cas...@yahoo.com.br> wrote:

> It was a problem for which I could produce a solution in the LCL code, but 
> Mattias Gaertner said me the problem doesn't occur on all systems. Well, I 
> found one situation when the problem occurs, on my system. 
> It's not only a "my system" problem, it's a problem in the way the GTK2 
> Lazarus widgetset interacts with some systems (including mine). I say that 
> because other GTK2 applications have a normal behavior, even Lazarus 
> applications when my system language is "English". Maybe an "if" would solve 
> the problem; I just want to keep talking to someone who can guide me in the 
> LCL changes without causing disasters. Mattias gave me an advice (thanks!), 
> and I have found a new direction. 

It is possible to add the changes via an IFDEF. For example:

{$IfDef EnableGtk2AccentKeyMod2}
// new solution ...
// old solution ...

Then you can ask people to test this by adding a
-dEnableGtk2AccentKeyMod2 to their IDE options.

Can you create a patch for this?


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