On Wed, 23 Oct 2013, ListMember wrote:

On 2013-10-23 11:33, Lukasz Sokol wrote:
On 23/10/13 07:59, ListMember wrote:

I am trying to find where WriteLn is declared; but, apparently,
WriteLn is among the select few that Lazarus will ignore 'Find
Declaration' requests --at least that's how it behaves (latest
Lazarus stable) on my side.

My ultimate goal, after finding where it is declared, is to locally
modify that part of the sources so that (instead of writing to the
console) it will use a global callback to display whatever WriteLn'ed
in a TMemo.

Or, is there already an alternative to redirect console output to the
running GUI?

DebugLn() ?

I don't really want to alter the sources (which are more than 100 units).

I'd rather find the unit where WriteLn() procedure is defined and alter it once and recompile FPC/Lazarus.

But, I just can't locate where WriteLn procedure is defined. I did a grep (equivalent in Windows) but came up with nothing usable.

This routine does not exist. It is handled specially by the compiler.

What you must do is something similar to what the crt unit does, and assign() the input/output files to a special file handler.


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