Am 23.10.2013 08:59, schrieb ListMember:

I am trying to find where WriteLn is declared; but, apparently, WriteLn is among the select few that Lazarus will ignore 'Find Declaration' requests --at least that's how it behaves (latest Lazarus stable) on my side.

My ultimate goal, after finding where it is declared, is to locally modify that part of the sources so that (instead of writing to the console) it will use a global callback to display whatever WriteLn'ed in a TMemo.
Write(Ln), Read(Ln), WriteStr and ReadStr are compiler magic functions which are not available in Pascal source.
Or, is there already an alternative to redirect console output to the running GUI?
The Pascal IO mechanism relies on variables of type "file" or of type "text". For the latter you can specify your own "textdriver" with which you can replace the e.g. "Output" variable (which is used by "Write(Ln)" without a file argument) which can then redirect the output to something else. For an example of how to implement a text driver you can take a look at the "StreamIO" ( ) unit provided with Free Pascal (in $fpcdir/packages/fcl-base/src/streamio.pp). There a text driver is implemented which allows to "assign" streams to TextFile variables and thus to use Write(Ln)/Read(Ln) on them. You'll need to implement something similar for e.g. a memo (or whatever method you want to use to display the output).


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