Okay I figured out a few things. Maybe this will be helpful for other

1) The only controls which can receive keyboard focus on OS X carbon are
text entry controls. If a form is designed with a button or other non text
entry control with a tab order of 0, of if active control is set to a non
text entry control, the application will throw an exception possibly
causing the application to stop or hang.

The current trunk of lazarus sets the focus to a tab control when the IDE
is opened causing it to halt at some point while opening. This needs fixing
in lazarus trunk.

2) Recent lazarus revisions code tools fail when reading a line in classes
dealing with generics specialization. Changing the declaration by removing
the keyword specialize seems to have fixed the problem. My solution needs
more testing. When fixed, event handlers can be added at design time.

3) It seems (at least on Mavericks) that the gdb from macports foes not
work with lazarus. It might need to be configured some place in lazarus in
more depth, but at this point I have no clue where to start. Setting the
debugger to 'none' allows programs to be run from the IDE, although it
won't debug without the debugger (obviously).  I would still appreciate
help with this issue.

Also of note, when running programs from the IDE, your program will appear
behind your design time form making it look like nothing is running.
Setting the option to hide the IDE while running doesn't help because it
only hides the IDE and not the form designer.

4) Launching a lazarus created program from the command line will cause it
to hang. Instead you need to type 'open -a your program'.

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 10:04 PM, Anthony Walter <sys...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'd also like to add another note.
> When I attempt to run the example program which I've named 'hello' from
> finder (or from a terminal), a console window is displayed along with my
> simple form. The console has the text...
> macuser@macpc~/Development/projects/test/hello$ ./hello
> TCarbonButton.SetFocus Error: SetKeyboardFocus  failed with result -30585
> ...in it and the main window for 'hello' displays but is completely
> disabled.
> On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 9:56 PM, Anthony Walter <sys...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Could someone look at screenshots of two problems I'm having on a new OS
>> X system? I'm trying to configure it for trunk fpc and near trunk lazarus
>> development.
>> What's going on
>> ----------------------
>> I installed Xcode with command line tools and used macports to install
>> gdb.
>> I installed fpc 2.6.2 for OS X from source forge and used it to build fpc
>> trunk without any problems.
>> I compiled lazarus trunk with fpc 2.7.1 trunk without any problems
>> I had some issues with lazarus trunk when running it where it would
>> freeze when the editor window comes up due to some TCarbonTab SetFocus
>> exception. Apparently others have had this problem as well.
>> I then checked out an earlier lazarus revision of 42619 which was from
>> September 5. I was able to compile and run it without much fuss.
>> Now I have the following problems ...
>> Problem 1
>> --------------
>> http://cache.codebot.org/development/lazarus-event-error.png
>> When I try to add an event to a component using the designer I receive
>> the above error. It looks like a problem with code tools and the fpc
>> sources on generic specialization of enumerable. The program does compile
>> though. I just can't add events in the designer windows.
>> Problem 2
>> --------------
>> http://cache.codebot.org/development/lazarus-run-error.png
>> When I try to run a program (either in debug mode or release mode which
>> has no debugging on) I get that message from OS X. It seems to build fine.
>> I mentioned above the debugger was gotten from macports and is named ggdb
>> on disk rather than gdb and is at version 7.6, if that's important.
>> It is located on my system at
>> /opt/local/bin/ggdb
>> I'd very much appreciate it if anyone could help me setup correctly
>> working near trunk versions of fpc and lazarus on OS X.
>> Thank you in advance.
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