On 19/07/14 15:18, Joost van der Sluis wrote:
 > Follow up to this - a simple patch (attached) allows the rtl source to
 > show, rather than the assembler window. However there seems to be a more
 > fundamental problem, in that a "step into" that ends up stepping into a
 > rtl routine like fpc_shortstr_SInt reports a SIGSEGV in the debugged
 > program, when no such exception has occurred.

Did you step directly into fpc_shortstr_SInt, or did you do a 'step
into', and did it eventually arrived at fpc_shortstr_SInt, because it
was the first procedure with debug-info?

In the first case, a software-debug breakpoint is set, which is probably
not removed correctly. In that case the debuggee does SIGSEGV, only it
will only do this because the debugger did change it's code.

In the second case, it's difficult to say what happens, since
hardware-breakpoints are used in that case.

Do you get a message on the console like 'failed to write data at xxxxxx'?

Just tried it again - it doesn't seem to be consistent. The specific was stepping into a routine, and the problem seems to happen when stepping "into" at the first begin. Trying it just now the debugger step into in these circumstances - it now exits the routine. There are lots of "Failed to read data at address $10B70F08C08347F8 from processid 11321. Errcode: 5 Failed to read data at address $E8000000C766D388 from processid 11321. Errcode: 5 Failed to read data at address $E8000000C766D388 from processid 11321. Errcode: 5 Failed to read data at address $E8000000C766D388 from processid 11321. Errcode: 5 Failed to read data at address $E8000000C766D388 from processid 11321. Errcode: 5 Failed to read data at address $E8000000C766D388 from processid 11321. Errcode: 5"

Step over works fine on the begin

If I step one instruction in the assembler window, step into then seems to work OK, including into the RTL routines.


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