Il 20/09/2014 17:51, Bart ha scritto:
On 9/20/14, Giuliano Colla <> wrote:

... but on Linux it doesn't
I moved the calling of DrawGraphs to the formÅ› OnActivate, and now the
Icons are there.
Please test with r46266.

Now on Linux Gtk2 there's a significant improvement.

However there's still an issue:
when there are many files, and you must scroll the window, the hint shown is not related to the proper icon, but to the one which would have been in that position before scrolling. I saw some discrepancies, and I suspected an error in the pie drawing. Then, in order to verify, I added one more line to the hint, with AStat.PoName, and I realized that it was simply showing the wrong Stats. Does it work in Windows? /Lazarus/languages/lazaruside.xx.po should have enough files to generate a scroll. Maybe you'll find a way adjust the Y coordinate for Listview.GetItemAt, but I'm afraid that we're again in trouble, because the procedure TControl.GetClientScrollOffset is implemented just with /Result:=Point(0,0);/ !

With Qt no change: Icons are too small, all items in one row, and no hint shown. But, Qt is somehow optional (even if IMHO Qt widgetset is better and more complete than Gtk2) and we may live with it, if you manage to make it work with Gtk2.


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