Hello Juha,
If its possible, can you fix this issue too? I can not click to up button.
Kubuntu 14.04x64,  last svn and QT widgetset

This picture from first run IDE. After change tab to any other tab , space is been normal between icons. My IDE's main window not maximize or full width of screensize. it's width, smalled then default width.

Thank you.

On 14-11-2014 14:05, Juha Manninen wrote:
There is a new feature for reordering tabs and components in the
component palette. See "Component palette" in environment options.
Please test but don't open bug reports yet. The feature is under heavy
development and still has known issues.
One issue is that the tabs show in reverse order sometimes after
closing the settings window.
D'n'd does not work reliably with all widgetsets. I will add buttons.

Comments are welcome but bug reports not yet.

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