For test I downgrade to r46870. I make and rebuild lazarus and test forms opening speed while opening project, and its normal timeing for me, mean fast. I add 4 more units, source editor has 7 units and forms in this test

➜  lazarus  svn up -r46872
'.' güncelleniyor:
U    ide/componentlist.pas
U    ide/componentpalette.pas
U    ide/frames/componentpalette_options.pas
U    packager/addtopackagedlg.pas
U    components/ideintf/componentreg.pas
46872 gözden geçirmesine güncellendi.

I can not say _so much_ slow, but I can say yes, r46872 is slower then r46870. r46878 is slower too. I wanna say one more time not "to much" but on my first mail, I wrote its so slow. My all forms is inherited from my main form class. I don't know IDE form read mechanismhow work, just brain storm, for all each component, looking for search path and looking for dependence so can loose time for this. Maybe Component Palette any codes trigger read or write any property this controls. just coincidence I found, RunTimeTypeInfoControls.lpk has "rttictrls.lrs" filename, but file not there.

On 18-11-2014 15:17, Juha Manninen wrote:
The palette changes should not affect form loading speed. If it does then it must be fixed.
I did not notice any slowdown myself.
Are you sure the latest commits made the difference for you?
Please test with Lazarus compiled before and after the changes.
There may be some unoptimed linear searches but the effect should not be noticeable for human eye.

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