Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Lazarus trunk at about 47318 is OK with FPC 2.7.1 29398 on SPARC using Debian "Lenny", except that toolbar icons don't appear (bug 25470, so this is not in fact fixed or has reverted). I can't test on Debian "Squeeze" at the moment since it looks as though lnet doesn't compile with recent 2.7.1 which I need to look at since I'm using it in the code I'm trying to test.

The same combination builds on SPARC Solaris 10 for "all" but not for "bigide", giving

/export/home/usr_local/share/lazarus-trunk-47318/components/sqldb/registersqldb.pas(505,5) Error: (5000) Identifier not found "TIBConnection" registersqldb.pas(564) Fatal: (10026) There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: (1018) Compilation aborted
make[2]: *** [sqldblaz.ppu] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/export/home/usr_local/share/lazarus-trunk-47318/components/sqldb'

Crudely commenting-out the relevant call to RegisterPropertyEditor() appears to fix it, but I've done so without significant understanding of what's going and haven't checked whether it's been fixed in current trunk (a few dozen revisions later), neither have I checked what IB's functionality is on Solaris.

Subject to some library path issues basic operation is OK except Tools -> Options bombs with

TApplication.HandleException Error reading ComponentsListView.Items.LazData: Stream read error
  Stack trace:
$0014FE1C TREADER__READPROPERTY, line 1282 of /export/home/usr_local/src/fpc/trunk-2.7.1-29398/rtl/objpas/classes/ $0013F04C TCOMPONENT__READSTATE, line 320 of /export/home/usr_local/src/fpc/trunk-2.7.1-29398/rtl/objpas/classes/
  $003282D0  TCONTROL__READSTATE,  line 3657 of ./include/

etc. with a dialogue reporting "Stream read error". Please advise if anybody wants a backtrace or more info. This operation also failed on PPC Linux but not necessarily with the identical error, it's OK on SPARC Linux.

I can't check Solaris on x86-64, or any releases later than Solaris 10 although I might look at OpenSXCE at some point.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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