On Thu, 5 Feb 2015 21:53:31 +0100
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho <felipemonteiro.carva...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've got a retina MacBook since a few days, but already there is quite
> a lot of pain:
> 1> Lazarus renders really bad, pixelated, and Retinizer couldn't help
> it =( The main Lazarus window starts in a position too in the top of
> the screen and therefore under the menu bar.

Please create a bug report for the position.

> I couldn't find anything
> so far in google which would indicate a solution to the pixelation
> problem. I guess Apple went out of their way to screw Carbon apps in
> Yosemite? Because a LCL-Cocoa app looks great ... well, I guess
> LCL-Cocoa is a each time more pressing priority... but anyway, does
> anyone know how to fix the existing Carbon Lazarus in retina? I need
> to use the source editor =D

My Lazarus with carbon is not pixelated on Yosemite, so there must be a
Normally the NSHighResolutionCapable in our Info.plist does the trick.
For some it did not, but then Retinizer off, on did the trick.
It sounds as if you have already tried that.

> 2> this second part will be just a rant, since I doubt anyone will
> have a solution. OMG I have this computer since 2 days and already
> there is so much pain getting gdb up and running =( homebrew won't
> work because of a stupid wrong version of a 200kb install_name_tool
> app, and their proposed solution is that I download more than 5GB and
> reinstall the entire operating system just to get this *&%$ bastard
> 200kb file fixed =( what is wrong with these people at Apple????
> Couldn't they just not remove gdb??? Can't someone just send me the
> file?

What file? /usr/local/bin/gdb?

Two days ago there was an Apple Update, which made MS Silverlight
untrustworthy. Even the newest version. Apple seems to start wars with
all former partners.

> Anyway, I guess I will have to reinstall everything from zero due to
> this stupid file. (actually this will be really hard since I'm already
> over my internet limit and using my phone's internet ... if the
> notebook had a DVD drive and install DVD then I could reinstall from
> the DVD, but I didn't think they would remove the DVD drive from their
> main notebook) Or maybe just give up debugging in Mac OS X ... long
> live WriteLn!!!

Go writeln, go!


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