osx svn lazarus  r47651 qt x64
/opt/proje_laz/components/rx/rxsortby.pas(66,26) Hint: (5024) Parameter "Sender" not used /Volumes/ram_disk/opt/lazarus/components/lazreport/source/addons/lrOfficeImport/lrspreadsheetimportunit.pas(39,40) Fatal: (10022) Can't find unit fpsTypes used by lrSpreadSheetImportUnit
Fatal: (1018) Compilation aborted
Compiling package lr_OfficeImport 0.0: stopped with exit code 256
/opt/proje_laz/components/rx/rxsortby.pas(225,6) Note: (5025) Local variable "j" not used (9001) Assembling (pipe) /opt/proje_laz/components/all_libs/rx/x86_64-darwin-qt/rxsortby.s

2-) Why not stop on first error? continue to building, impossible to build after fatal error but its not stop.

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