
Totally interested in helping test RC1...but...I'm scared.

I have Lazarus 1.2.6 installed now and I would like to install RC1 to a
separate directory structure.

I've downloaded the 3 fpc/laz RC1 DEB files and am ready to go except:

I'm working in Kubuntu 14.04.

I'm new-ish with Linux, and with DEB packages before this I've simply
right clicked and allowed the system to install them. I assume this will
overwrite my existing Laz install. So how do I use the deb file such
that I consistently get the packages into a new directory structure that
will work separately from 1.2.6? using a dpkg switch?

If I get to this desired structure, I assume I will need to do the makes
manually, yes? (first time...<shiver>).

Also you said "if you install to a new location you need to use":


I've done some searching and can find no reference to this switch, I
don't even know which program (lazarus? FPC? DPKG?) would expect this

Any help, links or whatever, would be appreciated. Once I've convinced
myself that I can get the RC onto my system and it will play nicely, I
will install and test.

Thanks in advance,


On 02/16/2015 11:38 PM, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> The Lazarus team would like to announce the first release candidate for the 
> upcoming Version 1.4.
> We would like to invite all users to test this release candidate.
> Please read below why everybody really should join the testing now.
> News in this Version
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Lazarus_1.4.0_release_notes
> On Windows the installer now allows 2 independent installations.
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Multiple_Lazarus#Installation_of_multiple_Lazarus
> About the release process:
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Lazarus_1.4_fixes_branch#Roadmap_to_1.4
> The 1.4RC1 is built with fpc 2.6.4.
> The release candidate is available for download on SourceForge:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/lazarus/files/
> Choose your CPU, OS, distro and then the "Lazarus 1.4RC1" directory.
> Minimum requirements:
> Windows:       98, 2k, XP, Vista, 7, 32 or 64bit.
>                On 64bit it is recommended to use the 32bit IDE.
>                Win98 IDE needs building with flag -dWIN9XPLATFORM.
> FreeBSD/Linux: gtk 2.8 or qt4.5, 32 or 64bit.
> Mac OS X:      10.5 to 10.10, 10.9+ without IDE debugger (gdb works),
>                LCL only 32bit, non LCL apps can be 64bit.
> == Why should everybody (including you) test the release candidate? ==
> In the past weeks the Lazarus team has stabilized the 1.4 fixes branch. The 
> resulting 1.4RC1 is now stable enough to be used by any one for test purposes.
> However many of the fixes and new features that where committed since the 
> release of 1.2 required changes to the code of existing features too. While 
> we have tested those ourself, there may still be problems that only occur 
> with very specific configurations or one project in a million.
> Yes, it may be that you are the only person with a project, that will not 
> work in the new IDE. So if you do not test, we can not fix it.
> Please do not wait for the final release, in order to test. It may be too 
> late. Once the release is out we will have to be more selective about which 
> fixes can be merged for further 1.4.x releases. So it may be, that we can not 
> merge the fix you require. And then you will miss out on all the new features.
> == How to test ==
> Download and install the 1.4RC1.
> - On Windows you can install as a 2ndary install, that will not affect your 
> current install:
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Multiple_Lazarus#Installation_of_multiple_Lazarus
> - On other platforms, if you install to a new location you need to use 
> --primary-config-path
> In either case you should make backups. (including your primary config)
> Open your project in the current Lazarus (1.2.6), and use "Publish Project" 
> from the project menu. This creates a clean copy of your project.
> You can then open that copy in the RC1. Please test:
> - If you can edit forms in the designer
>    - rename components / change properties in Object inspector / Add new 
> events
>    - Add components to form / Move components on form
>    - Frames, if you use them
> - If you can navigate the source code (e.g. jump to implementation)
> - Auto completion in source code
> - Compile, debug and run
> - Anything else you use in your daily work
> Mattias
> --
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