This is a classic series of articles that show how to write a very simple
compiler in Turbo Pascal. The fundamentals when it comes to scanning are
the same:

I've also written a BASIC implementation for Free Pascal and Lazarus. The
scanner should be straightforward to understand:

The compiler code shows how it can be used:

But you may also find the formatter code simpler. Although it is a bit too

For general theory you can look on recursive descent parsers (they're the
simplest to implement and AFAIK most compilers use them, either to build
the token list or directly).

On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 6:55 PM, silvioprog <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm planning to write three parsers, and googling, I found some entries
> talking about lexical parsers.
> After that, I did a 'find in files' in FPC sources, and I found many
> parsers (eg: jsonparser (jsonscanner), JSParser (JSScanner), fpsqlparser
> (fpsqlscanner), PParser (PScanner), fpexprpars etc.) that use lexical
> scanner.
> Below, three possible string that I need to parse:
> 1)
> ${someVariable} -- 4 tokens
> or
> ${a + b} -- 8 tokens - 1 expression
> or
> ${fn:lenght('abc') * 3} -- 11 tokens - 1 function - 1 expression
> 2)
> <c:forEach var="contact" items="${contactDao.list}">
>     ${}, ${}
> </c:forEach>
> 3)
> contacts[0].name=abc
> contacts[0].email=abc@def
> contacts[1].name=def
> contacts[2].email=def@ghi
> So my parser will allow to register dynamic variables, functions (to be
> called via script) and plugins (to extend the parser).
> However, I have a question: is there any article about 'how to write
> lexical parsers' using Object Pascal?
> I need any material about this subject, and I'm very grateful for any tip.
> Thanks in advance!
> --
> Silvio Clécio
> My public projects -
> --
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