Il 07/03/2015 12:37, Vojtěch Čihák ha scritto:
Hi, I have noticed that Qt projects started with F9 have a delay (about ~12 seconds) before the form appears.
Its not only with large projects, its also with small projects or even empty 
The delay is there even if nothing in project changes and I start it by F9 repeatedly.
When I try to execute the same project externally (from Double Commander), it 
starts in ~ 0,3 s.
I use Lazarus 1.5 r48159M FPC 3.1.1 x86_64-linux-qt, Qt 4.8.6.

In a similar setup, only with a slightly older Qt (4.7.4), I don't experience the same problem. Qt startup with F9 is a bit slower than GTK2, but within reasonable limits (3 - 4 seconds). A Qt issue?


Giuliano Colla

Project planning question: when it's 90% done, are we halfway or not yet?

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