On 03/13/2015 01:38 PM, FreeMan wrote:
On 12.03.2015 20:57, zeljko wrote:
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fpermissive should be added to the Qt4Pas.pro

Thank you, I can compile now. And I added message in forum
How to build QT4pas5.dll win64

That project for Qt64 is removed today (link you added at form), so no available binaries. Also, it will be nice that you upload somewhere that libQt4Pas.dll for 64bit so other ppl can use it. Besides that I propose rename of libQt4Pas.dll to libQt4Pas64.dll for 64bit target (of course in that case qt45.pas will be changed so it loads libQt4Pas64.dll) because of easier deployment of both targets under windows.


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