Am 28.04.2015 13:49 schrieb Leonardo M. Ramé <>:
> El 28/04/15 a las 07:16, "Leonardo M. Ramé" escibió:
>> Hi, I'm trying to build a CGI program using BrookFramework in FPC 3.1.1
>> and Lazarus compiled today but I'm getting this error:
>> Error: Duplicate identifier "$ansistrrec18"
>> That identifier of course is not a variable, nor unit name, and it can't
>> be found in any of the used files. Any hint?.
>> BTW, the error happens in a method of a Generic Class defined this way:
>>    generic TBaseGAction<T> = class(specialize TBrookGAction<T>)
>>    ...
>>    end;
>> Regards,
> Changed to the fixes_3_0 branch and everything compiled flawlessly.

If you could possibly narrow down the problem and report a bug that would
be much appreciated.

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