On 10/11/2015 08:38 AM, Ondrej Pokorny wrote:
On 10.10.2015 18:47, Juha Manninen wrote:
Rekonq uses both QT and KDE libs. Not directly usable for LCL
implementation but a nice idea anyway.

It was not exactly an idea to implement it in the LCL but more an
argument that it is possible to do advanced stuff (custom painting, text
area moving etc.) even on Linux and not only on Windows.

So that means that it is possible to custom paint an edit at least on
Qt. It is another problem that we (me definitely) don't know how to do it.

Yes, it's possible to achieve that goal with Qt. In event filter of TQtLineEdit add QPaintEvent, and:
1.Paint QLineEdit by Qt - use QObject_event(Widget, Event);
2.Now call SlotPaint() which creates TQtDeviceContext and passes it to LCL ... if TEdit have Canvas and OnPaint you can do whatever in that case.
3.Now set Result := True in QPaintEvent, so Qt won't paint it again.


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